Monday, May 17, 2010

It's Rocket Time!

This WebQuest will help students gain an understanding of rockets and rocket flight, how physics fundamentals are related to rockets, and how we will use model rockets.

1. go to and read the page.

2. click on “Guided Tours” on this page

3. on the “Guided Tours” page ( ) go down the page to the “Rockets” section. You need to go through each section:

a. Forces on a Rocket ( )

b. Types of Rockets ( )

c. Rocket Systems ( )

d. Rocket Flight ( )

After you read each page, click on the button.

Make sure you click on the button next to the topic you are on. For example, when in “Rocket Flight”, multiple sections appear at the bottom of the page. Make sure you click on the one next to “Rocket Flight”.

4. read, take notes.

Take notes on each page you visit. Your notes will be graded as the first part of the Rockets Unit. Pay particular attention to the “Model Rocket” section of “Types of Rockets.”

You will be calculating a predicted altitude for your rockets before launch, and then we will see who's is the most accurate


1 comment:

  1. Boronny Touch, Elizabeth Trejo, Roneisha Handy

    The four forces involved in rocket flight are weight, thrust, and the aerodynamic forces, lift and drag. The magnitude of the weight depends on the mass of all of the parts of the rocket. There are many different types of rockets. They are compressed air rockets, water rockets, model rockets, and full scale rockets. During the entire flight of a compressed air rocket only the aerodynamic forces and weight act on the rocket. Unlike compressed air rockets, the mass of the bottle rocket varies during flight. There are four systems in a full scale rocket, the structural system, payload system, guidance system, propulsion system.
