Friday, June 12, 2009

Welcome to Next Years Class

Welcome to next year's Physics class (2009-2010 school year).

I hope you are ready for a fun, rewarding, but demanding, class.

Please read the following web pages and files in order to get an idea about what this class is about.

You should also look through the links on the right side of this post and get an idea of what we will be studying this year.

Get ready to learn about how everything around you works.

(ignore the posts below this one - they are from last year)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday, June 9th

Period 1 - had their Final Exam today. The 4 students that were absent must see me to make up the exam. It must be made up by Friday at noon. No exceptions!

Period 2 - rocket launch scrubbed due to weather. Watched "October Sky", a movie about 4 high school students in the 50's who designed and built their own rockets. A great story, based on a true story.

Monday, June 1, 2009

End of year schedule

Physics end of the year schedule
Monday, 6/1
Per 1 and 2 - Rockets Webquest

Tuesday, 6/2
Per 1 and 2 - Rockets - start construction

Wednesday, 6/3
Per 2 - Rockets - continue construction

Thursday, 6/4
I am out of the building at a training session today

Friday, 6/5
Per 1 and 2 - finish rocket construction

Monday, 6/8
Per 1 and 2 - finish rockets and make up work

Tuesday, 6/9
Per 2 - Launch Rockets

Wednesday, 6/10
Seniors will clean out their lockers before dismissal.

Thursday, 6/11
Per 1 - Launch Rockets

Friday, 6/12
Per 1 and 2 - Class wrap ups, grades, books
Senior Grades close. No makeups after today.

Monday, 6/15
Per 1 and 2 - class wrap ups, grades, books

Tuesday, 6/16

Wednesday, 6/16 - Friday, 6/18
Graduation Rehearsal, 0845 - Auditorium
Seniors must attend all rehearsals.

Monday, 6/22
Graduation, 1pm, Arena at Harbor Yard
Seniors arrive no later than 12:00pm. Don't be late!!!

Congratulations and good luck to all of my Seniors!!

Monday, June 1st

Today we start the Rockets project.

Your webquest assignment is shown below. Follow the directions carefully. We start construction of the rockets tomorrow.

Rockets WebQuest

Mr. Andrade Central High School

This WebQuest will help students gain an understanding of rockets and rocket flight, how physics fundamentals are related to rockets, and how we will use model rockets.

  1. go to and read the page.

(alternate site: )

  1. click on “Guided Tours” on this page

  1. on the “Guided Tours” page ( ) go down the page to the “Rockets” section. You need to go through each section:
    1. Forces on a Rocket ( )
    2. Types of Rockets ( )
    3. Rocket Systems ( )
    4. Rocket Flight ( )

After you read each page, click on the NEXT button.

Make sure you click on the NEXT button next to the topic you are on. For example, when in “Rocket Flight”, multiple sections appear at the bottom of the page. Make sure you click on the one next to “Rocket Flight”.

  1. read, take notes
  2., take notes
  3. read, take notes
  4. read, take notes

Take notes on each page you visit. Your notes will be graded as the first part of the Rockets Unit. Pay particular attention to the “Model Rocket” section of “Types of Rockets.”