Physics Syllabus

Mr. Andrade

Physics is a science course that will cover many topics and areas about the physical world around us, using lectures, demonstrations, labs, projects, humor and FUN. To fully achieve competence in this material, the students must work hard and apply themselves. You must do all of the assigned work and reading.

Class work will include: Lectures, Labs and lab reports, Class and homework problems, Projects and project reports, Articles and various readings, Films and Videos, Demonstrations, Class Activities.

Textbook: various online resources and textbooks will be used.
Resources: World Wide Web, Conceptual Physics (Hewitt), Holt Physics, Glencoe Physics
Prerequisites: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Chemistry (Trigonometry is helpful)

The following areas will be covered:

Introduction to Physics - What is Physics, measurement, units, math review (algebra, trig)
Motion in One Dimension
Motion in Two Dimensions (including projectile motion)
Forces and Newton’s Laws
Work, Power, Energy
Circular Motion and Universal Gravitation
Matter, Stress, Fluids
Heat and Thermodynamics
Vibrations and Waves
Electricity and Magnetism
Modern Physics – Atomic, Relativity

Other topics covered during the year: Science and Engineering Careers, Design Process, Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Every section listed above has at least one lab activity. Some have multiple labs and multimedia activities. There will be multiple labs and projects throughout the year, including “How Does it Work?”, Bridge Design and Building, Glider Design and Building, and Rocket Design and Building.

I will be weighting items as follows:
                        Labs, and Projects………………………….….25%
                        Homework/Classwork .……………………….20%
                        Class participation, effort, attitude, behavior…15%

I am usually at school until 3:30 or so every day in room C209.

Have a great year!

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