Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Schedule Update 12-22-09

Both classes have done the Momentum LAB (hands-on). We will also be doing a computer based momentum lab after the break.

Make sure you check Engrade and see if you are missing any work. If you are, make sure you bring it in after the break.

Your homework is to finish the Momentum LAB (analysis and questions).

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Homework reminder

Remember - both classes - homework is to finish the Momentum Packet (#4) - problems 7 - 14. We will go over the homework Friday and then start the Momentum Lab.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Schedule Update 12-14-09


Both classes need to do the Momentum homework - Packet #4, Problems #1-6

Slides and homework packet are available HERE.

Homework is due Tuesday, 12-15-09 and then we will continue on with the lecture/discussion.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Schedule Update 12-09-09

Review homework packet #3 (Forces), the Forces Supplemental problems from this week, and your class notes (examples).

Period 1 - Quiz - Forces and Friction - Thursday, 12-10-09
Period 2 - Quiz - Forces and Friction - Friday, 12-11-09

Friday, December 4, 2009

Schedule Update

1. Lab write-ups are due Monday if you didn't already turn them in.
2. Forces problems are also due Monday. You can download another copy HERE.
3. Forces QUIZ on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend.