Problems in physics will seldom look the same. Instead of solving problems by copying or by reproducing a previously solved problem, you should utilize your conceptual understanding of Newton's laws to work towards solutions to problems.
In this investigation you will gain a deeper understanding of the concept of net force that will help you solve the various problems assigned.
As you read each section on the websites, make sure you go through the practice problems and each demonstration and simulation.
By the end of this PhysicsQuest you will gain an understanding of weight, mass and net force (vector sum of all the forces) and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion.
You will be given a series of questions and various links to Internet sites that will help you answer the questions.
As you read each section on the websites, make sure you go through the practice problems and each demonstration and simulation
What is Newton’s First Law?
What is meant by Inertia?
A variety of force types were placed into two broad category headings on the basis of whether
the force resulted from the contact or non-contact of the two interacting objects.
Define and give an example of each contact forces using your own words. (Frictional Force, Tensional Force, Normal Force, Air Resistance Force, Applied Force and Spring Force).
What is Newton’s Second Law?
What is the formula for Newton’s Second Law?
Finding Acceleration
The process of determining the acceleration of an object demands that the mass and the net force are known.
Which equation should be used to solve for acceleration?
Find individual forces.
Write the three major equations used in this section:
The equation for net force,
The equation for gravitational force and
The equation for frictional force.
The objective of this section is to understand how air resistance works.
Read this section and using your own words answer these questions:
What are the two factors (among others) that affect air resistance?
Why do objects which encounter air resistance ultimately reach a terminal velocity?
Why do more massive objects fall faster than less massive objects?
When you get to the bottom of the page, click the blue "NEXT" arrow and go to the next page. (follow Newton's laws of motion. There are four pages.)
Make sure you understand all three of Newton's laws. During the next class, we will be applying them and using them to solve problems. I may even ask a group to come up front and discuss one of the laws in front of the class, so be prepared!
Write up anything you learned from the NASA site that you didn’t learn from the earlier sites along with the answers to all the questions above.
You will turn in your answers as a group. You can do the work in Microsoft Word and submit it
to me electronically through this site. Make sure all group member names are on the paper.
(submit it using the tool on the right side of the site: