This site is for my Physics Magnet Classes.This is where I will post information, assignments, reminders, and help for my classes. All students need to check this frequently and should "follow" and subscribe to this site to keep up to date. Physics Essential Question: How can we explain and anticipate what happens around us? "The main reason to study physics is to enhance the way you see the physical world and to understand the world we live in." Paul Hewitt
Friday, March 30, 2012
Assignments for Friday, March 30, 2012
Hi everyone,
I'm still really sick with bronchitis. Here are your assignments for Friday, March 30th. Have a great weekend.
All physics classes (Periods 1, 3, 4, and 6)
Online Labs
Fluids & Heat
Lab 20 Density
three objects on bottom (blue triangle, red/black square, red oval) - calculate density for each
list which object(s) floated (try all of the objects)
Lab 23 Pressure in Liquids
raise and lower manometer (red box with tube) and record depth and hydrostatic pressure
do for all four liquids (water, ethanol, benzol, tetrochloromethane, and mecury)
write down your observations of differences or similarities of the pressures at different depths
Lab 24 Buoyant Force
lower the mass into the liquid and note the buoyant force as it is lowered into the liquid. Note how it changes until fully submerged.
change the preselected values of base area, height and densities (do at least 6 trials)
write down your observations of the different buoyant forces vs. the area, height and density
Each group turns in ONE paper for the entire group. Make sure all of your names are on it.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Assignments for today, Thursday, March 29th
I am absent today with severe bronchitis. Here are your assignments.
Period 1 - Packet #9, Problems 10-17
If you lost your packet, it is also posted on the class site where the lecture notes are located.
Period 3 - In red
Physics book (Glencoe Physics) on bottom shelf in back corner of
Chapter 13,
States of Matter (pretty sure that is chapter number, definitely
title of chapter)
Problems in chapter: 1, 5, 9, 13,17, 21
Make sure you put the books back on the shelf at the end of the period
I will check the work when I come back. You do NOT have to turn it in to the sub, but don't lose it either.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Fluids Homework
The lecture notes for the 1st part of fluids were posted yesterday (see post below).
The homework is Packet 9, #10-17.
If you lost your Packet #9 you can access a digital copy of it here:
Physics - Packet 09 - Solids-Liquids-Gases.pdf
However, do not ask to print it out in my room. Print it out somewhere else, or just do the answers in your notebook while viewing the packet online.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The next topic is Fluids. The lecture is broken up into two parts.
Part 1 is posted here:
Physics - Fluids part 1.pdf
Period 1 started it today, Tuesday, and Periods 3, 4, and 6 will start it Wednesday.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
eesmarts Student Contest - cool prizes - see me to enter

eesmarts 2012 Student Contest
The Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund has announced its eighth annual eesmarts energy efficiency student contest inviting students to enhance their skills in science, writing and technology. Students are asked to answer grade level-specific prompts regarding efficient and renewable energy technologies in a variety of formats including a poem, a news article, an essay and a television commercial.
The contest is open to all Grade K-12 students in Connecticut and all essay prompts align with the Connecticut State Frameworks in science, mathematics and writing.
All participants receive recognition for their submissions and winners will be honored at a special awards ceremony on May 22, 2012 at the State Capitol.
Go here for more information:
Grades 9 through 12:
All letters must be between four and six pages in length – you can include graphs, diagrams and references only if they support your plan. Entries will be accepted via email at
Entries and registration forms must be postmarked or emailed no later than Friday, April 20, 2012.
Prizes at each grade level
First Prize: iPad
Second Prize: Kindle or eBook device
Third Prize:Season pass to one of the following museums: Stepping Stones Museum for Children, The Discovery Museum or CT Science Center
Honorable Mention: Energy-Saving Gift Bag
Each entry should have the following information typed or neatly printed at the top, left-hand corner of each page, Student Name, Grade, School, Town, Teacher’s Name, School Telephone
High School Grades 9-12 Contest Challeng –
Reducing Your High School’s Carbon Footprint
Write a letter to your principal about what you and your fellow high school students can do to address the problem of climate change in your high school. What actions can you take to reduce the school’s carbon
footprint? Be sure to include a comprehensive carbon footprint reduction plan, including the installation of energy efficient technologies (example: lighting, boilers, air conditioning), renewable energy sources, recycling, transportation and energy conservation behaviors (example: turning off unnecessary lights). Please submit a four to six page letter addressing the actions you would suggest, any issues or concerns regarding those actions, and any anticipated outcomes. You can include graphs, diagrams and
references only if they support your plan.
See me for help and to submit your entry if you decide to enter.
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