This site is for my Physics Magnet Classes.This is where I will post information, assignments, reminders, and help for my classes. All students need to check this frequently and should "follow" and subscribe to this site to keep up to date. Physics Essential Question: How can we explain and anticipate what happens around us? "The main reason to study physics is to enhance the way you see the physical world and to understand the world we live in." Paul Hewitt
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
The slides are available here:
Your homework is Packet #6 - Circular Motion, Problems #1 - 12
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Physics assignment
"Multimedia Science School" in the Novell screen.
Then Physics - Fields - Motion in a Circle - Lesson - Circular Motion
Friday, December 10, 2010
Test coming up! Time to study!
Period 2, 7 - Tuesday
Period 3, 5, 6 - Wednesday
You will be provided with a list of the equations.
You should be reviewing Packets 3 (Forces), 4 (Momentum), and 5 (Work and Energy)
Try each of the problems again without looking at the solutions. Then check your answers and use the solutions to help you if you didn't get it correct.
Some sites to go to for review:
Work and Energy:
Come in to class on Monday with any questions you may have on these topics. I will answer questions, but I will not just do a "review".
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Student Access to Power School
Students now have access to PowerSchool. You can check your grades and attendance very easily. If your teacher uses the Gradebook (like I do) you can see individual grades and even check if you are missing any work.
Login is done just like you are logging into a school computer.
Here is the link:
Make sure you also check to see if there are any "CUTS" that should be "EAB" (excused absence) and get a note from your parent or have your parent call the school.
Algebra Help is a great site that has mini lessons for you to learn more about different parts of algebra. It is broken down by topic. - site for the math department for Bridgeport. It has some great information and resources for you to review and reinforce math concepts. - Physics math review - great resource for help with math in physics. - has some problem solving help in each section that will help you with some of the algebra.
And of course you can always ask me for help. Do not hesitate to come after school or email me for help. Do not wait until it is too late.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Momentum Slides posted
Reminder - all classes have the following homework tonight: Packet #4, Problems 7-14
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Free Online Scientific Calculator Available
You can access it here:
This is a great resource if you don't have your own calculator but can get to a computer.
Protocol for Solving Physics Problems
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Work Energy Lab - LAB REPORTs
Wednesday, November 24th. If your class doesn't meet that day, you must turn the lab report in to me anyway.
You can bring it to me in the room, put it in my mailbox in the main office, or email it to me.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Roller Coaster Physics Online Project
Roller Coaster Physics Online Project
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Think before you post online!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Work and Energy LAB
Each student must write their own lab report. Do not copy from your partners. Any labs that appear copied will share the full grade (in other words, if 3 people copy from each other, the highest grade any of them can get is a 33/100).
Here are the lab report guidelines (which were also handed out during class)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday, November 15th
Today we are continuing Work and Energy.
So far, you have already learned and are able to:
§ calculate work done by a force, kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy;
§ explain that work done against friction is dissipated to the surroundings;
§ describe energy conversions and the conservation of energy.
Having completed this lesson, students should be able to:
- calculate the work done by a constant force in situations including those where the force is not in the same direction as the displacement;
- explain how the work done by a force is related to energy conversions and energy conservation;
- apply the principle of conservation of energy to simple examples (e.g. the motion of a load on a slope and the motion of a roller coaster car);
- use the equation for kinetic energy: KE = ½mv2;
- use the equation for gravitational potential energy changes: PEg = mgΔh.
Method: you will go to the computers as a group.
Log in and go to
Select the following:
Work and Energy
Energy Transformations
As you go through the lesson, make sure you pay attention to each part of the lesson and take notes. Write down any questions (and answers) and information from each page in your notes that you think is helpful for future reference. I will be checking your notes at the end of the lesson. Do not write everything down.
Take notes of important and helpful information.
Try each simulation multiple times with different variables so you can truly see what is happening.
As you work through the lessons, perform the calculations for yourselves before selecting the final row in the ‘Calculate work’ table, to check your answers.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Schedule Update
Monday, November 8, 2010
Schedule Update
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, November 4th:
Period 3 - finish the Forces-Friction LAB
Period 6 - Forces-Friction LAB
Friday, November 5th:
(we will NOT have the Quiz today due to many students being absent for The Challenge).
We will finish up Forces by discussing the lab and then seeing a short video as a review.
On Monday, November 8th we will start the next unit, which is Momentum. Momentum is closely related to Inertia. For some advance information on Momentum, check out this website:
Mr. A
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Today (Wednesday, Oct 27th)
Period 2 - finished the computer assignment
Period 3 - those that were in class finished the computer assignment.
Those students that went to the Fairfield University presentation need to do the following as makeup:
Go to this site,
complete the "test" and submit it to me at this email address:
Each student must submit their own to me.
Period 6 - finished all of the forces lecture. Your homework is Packet 3, #12-21 and is due Friday.
Tomorrow (Thursday, Oct 28th)
Period 3 - we will finish the Forces lecture
Period 5 - we will go over your homework (#7-11 in packet 3) and then finish the Forces lecture
Period 7 - we will go over your homework (#7-11 in packet 3) and then finish the Forces lecture
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Lecture Notes Posted - Forces part two
Go here:
File name: Physics - Forces and Newton's Laws - lecture notes part 2.pdf
After this part of the lecture, your homework is Packet 3, problems 7-11
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Lecture notes posted
Period 5 and 7 did that today. Period 2 did it the other day and Periods 3 and 6 will see it tomorrow (Friday).
You can find it here:
The file is "Physics - Forces and Newton's Laws - part 1.pdf"
Schedule Update
Period 5 and 7 started Forces. Your homework is Packet #3, #1-6, due next class.
Period 2 will finish the 1st part of Forces and have homework (Packet 3, #1-6)
Period 3 and 6 will start Forces.
Period 7 - go over the homework.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Physics Quest

Problems in physics will seldom look the same. Instead of solving problems by copying or by reproducing a previously solved problem, you should utilize your conceptual understanding of Newton's laws to work towards solutions to problems.
In this investigation you will gain a deeper understanding of the concept of net force that will help you solve the various problems assigned.
As you read each section on the websites, make sure you go through the practice problems and each demonstration and simulation.
By the end of this PhysicsQuest you will gain an understanding of weight, mass and net force (vector sum of all the forces) and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion.
You will be given a series of questions and various links to Internet sites that will help you answer the questions.
As you read each section on the websites, make sure you go through the practice problems and each demonstration and simulation
What is Newton’s First Law?
What is meant by Inertia?
A variety of force types were placed into two broad category headings on the basis of whether
the force resulted from the contact or non-contact of the two interacting objects.
Define and give an example of each contact forces using your own words. (Frictional Force, Tensional Force, Normal Force, Air Resistance Force, Applied Force and Spring Force).
What is Newton’s Second Law?
What is the formula for Newton’s Second Law?
Finding Acceleration
The process of determining the acceleration of an object demands that the mass and the net force are known.
Which equation should be used to solve for acceleration?
Find individual forces.
Write the three major equations used in this section:
The equation for net force,
The equation for gravitational force and
The equation for frictional force.
The objective of this section is to understand how air resistance works.
Read this section and using your own words answer these questions:
What are the two factors (among others) that affect air resistance?
Why do objects which encounter air resistance ultimately reach a terminal velocity?
Why do more massive objects fall faster than less massive objects?
When you get to the bottom of the page, click the blue "NEXT" arrow and go to the next page. (follow Newton's laws of motion. There are four pages.)
Make sure you understand all three of Newton's laws. During the next class, we will be applying them and using them to solve problems. I may even ask a group to come up front and discuss one of the laws in front of the class, so be prepared!
Write up anything you learned from the NASA site that you didn’t learn from the earlier sites along with the answers to all the questions above.
You will turn in your answers as a group. You can do the work in Microsoft Word and submit it
to me electronically through this site. Make sure all group member names are on the paper.
(submit it using the tool on the right side of the site:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Projectile Motion Review
Make sure you finish the review on Multimedia Science School (see post below). If you finish that, then go to and go through the whole section. When you reach the bottom of the page, click on "Next Section". There are six (6) sections for Projectile Motion.
Remember, the quiz is on homework Packets 1 and 2 - one and two dimensional motion.
Quiz dates:
Period 2 - Wed, 9/29
Period 3 - Wed, 9/29
Period 5 - Thu, 9/30
Period 6 - Fri, 10/1
Period 7 - Thu, 9/30
Email me if you have any questions.
Also - today, Tuesday, (and every Tuesday after) is CPEP - the pre-engineering program. Interested students should report to room C209 after school today.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Projectile Motion Review
Once we go over the review problems, you will get into your groups and go to the computers and log in and complete the following activity as a great review on projectile motion.
Novell Login Screen:
Select Multimedia Science School - Physics - Mechanics - Kinematics - Lesson - Projectile Motion
Go through the entire lesson.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Schedule Update
Period 2 - finished the first projectile motion lab and started the review problems. Finish the lab packet and the review problems for homework.
Period 3 - finished the first projectile motion lab and started the review problems. Finish the lab packet and the review problems for homework.
Period 5 - went over the homework (packet 2, #10-16) and started first projectile motion lab. Do the review problems for homework.
Period 6 - finished the first projectile motion lab and started the review problems. Finish the lab packet and the review problems for homework.
Period 7 - went over the homework (packet 2, #10-16) and started first projectile motion lab. Do the review problems for homework.
Monday, September 27th we will:
Period 2 - go over review problems
Period 3 - go over review problems
Period 6 - go over review problems
Period 7 - finish LAB 1, go over review problems
QUIZ coming up. The quiz will be on Packets 1 and 2 (everything so far). You will be provided with the equations but you must understand how to use them and the physics concepts behind them.
Quiz Schedule:
Period 2 - Wed, 9/29
Period 3 - Wed, 9/29
Period 5 - Thu, 9/30
Period 6 - Fri, 10/1
Period 7 - Thu, 9/30
Good sites to use to review for quiz:
Great review site for lots of topics
The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere.
They have tons of videos with lectures on reviews of different topics, including math, science, and more.
Check it out and definitely check out the section on Physics.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Schedule Update
Period 3 - completed the first projectile motion lab
Period 6 - went over the homework (Packet 2 #10-16)
Friday, 9/24/10
Period 2 - finish 1st projectile motion lab, review problems
Period 3 - finish 1st projectile motion lab, review problems
Period 5 - go over hmwk (Packet 2 #10-16), do 1st projectile motion lab
Period 6 - finish 1st projectile motion lab, review problems
Period 7 - go over hmwk (Packet 2 #10-16), start 1st projectile motion lab
Reminder: There will be a quiz on Packets 1 and 2 after we finish the labs for this section. I'll give you exact dates as they get closer.
Review for Projectile Motion:
Monday, September 20, 2010
Schedule Update
Period 2 - finished 2D motion, Projectile Motion - homework is Packet 2, #10-16
Period 3 - went over the homework that was due today (Packet 2, #10-16). Reminder to do extra problem from board for homework.
Period 5 - went over the homework that was due today (Packet 2, #1-9) and then finished Projectile Motion lecture. Homework is Packet #2, #10-16
Period 6 - went over the homework that was due today (Packet 2, #1-9)
Period 7 - finished Projectile Motion lecture. Homework is Packet #2, #10-16
Period 2 - go over hmwk, Packet 2, #10-16 and then start lab
Period 6 - finish Projectile Motion lecture. Homework will be packet 2, #10-16
I also posted a new set of lecture slides for Vectors and Projectile motion that have all the solutions to the examples in them. Get the file here:
(Physics - Vectors and Projectile Motion.pdf)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Schedule Update
Friday, 9/17/2010
Period 2 - we went over the homework (packet 2, #1-9) and collected the lab packets
Period 3 - we did the second part of 2D motion (projectile motion). Your homework is Packet 2, #10-16
The lab packets were also collected.
Period 6 - we did the first part of 2D motion (vectors). Your homework is Packet 2, #1-9
Remember to email me if you have questions with your homework.
Reminder: if you did not turn in your lab today, it is late. 5 points off for each day late, so turn it in immediately.
Monday, 9/20/2010
Period 2 - we will continue 2D motion (projectile motion)
Period 3 - we will go over the homework (Packet 2, #10-16)
Period 5 - we will go over the homework (Packet 2, #1-9) and then continue 2D Motion - Projectile Motion)
Period 6 - we will go over the homework (Packet 2, #1-9)
Period 7 - we will continue 2D motion (projectile motion)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Schedule Update
Period 3 - we went over the homework today (Packet 2, #1-9). On Friday we will continue 2D motion and learn about Projectile Motion.
Period 5 - did the 1st part of 2D motion. Homework is Packet #2, #1-9 due Monday. Don't forget to get me your lab packets. If turned in Friday, it's only a little late. If turned in Monday, it's VERY late.
Period 7 - did the 1st part of 2D motion. Homework is Packet #2, #1-9 due Monday. Don't forget to get me your lab packets turned in on Friday.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Schedule Update
Today, Wednesday:
Period 2 and 3 started 2D motion and vectors.
Period 2 - Packet 2, #1-9 is due Friday
Period 3 - Packet 2, #1-9 is due tomorrow.
Period 6 - we went over the rest of Packet 1 homework and did the velocity/acceleration lab.
LAB Packet Due Date Reminders:
Period 2 - Friday
Period 3 - Friday
Period 5 - Thursday
Period 6 - Friday
Period 7 - Friday
Thursday, 9/16:
Period 3 - we will go over the homework (packet #2, #1-9) and then continue with 2 Dimensional Motion
Period 5 - collect the lab packets and then start 2 Dimensional Motion
Period 7 - collect the lab packets and then start 2 Dimensional Motion
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Schedule Update
Period 2, 3 and 6 - your lab packets are due Friday, 9/17
Period 5 and 7 - your lab packets are due Thursday, 9/16
Today, Tuesday, 9/14 we did the following:
Period 2 - finished the velocity/acceleration lab
Period 5 - finished the velocity/acceleration lab
Period 7 - went over the homework (problems 9-14) and did the velocity/acceleration lab
Wednesday, 9/15
Period 2 and 3 will start 2 Dimensional Motion
Period 6 - we will go over the homework (problems 9-14) and do the velocity/acceleration lab
Remember, email me ( if you have any questions on homework or assignments.
Schedule Update
Period 5 and 7 - your lab packets are due Thursday
Today, Tuesday, 9/14 we did the following:
Period 2 - finished the velocity/acceleration lab
Period 5 - finished the velocity/acceleration lab
Wednesday, 9/15