Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, November 15th

Today we are continuing Work and Energy.

So far, you have already learned and are able to:

§ calculate work done by a force, kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy;

§ explain that work done against friction is dissipated to the surroundings;

§ describe energy conversions and the conservation of energy.


Having completed this lesson, students should be able to:

- calculate the work done by a constant force in situations including those where the force is not in the same direction as the displacement;

- explain how the work done by a force is related to energy conversions and energy conservation;

- apply the principle of conservation of energy to simple examples (e.g. the motion of a load on a slope and the motion of a roller coaster car);

- use the equation for kinetic energy: KE = ½mv2;

- use the equation for gravitational potential energy changes: PE­­g = mgΔh.

Method: you will go to the computers as a group.

Log in and go to Multimedia Science School.

Select the following:



Work and Energy


Energy Transformations

As you go through the lesson, make sure you pay attention to each part of the lesson and take notes. Write down any questions (and answers) and information from each page in your notes that you think is helpful for future reference. I will be checking your notes at the end of the lesson. Do not write everything down.

Take notes of important and helpful information.

Try each simulation multiple times with different variables so you can truly see what is happening.

As you work through the lessons, perform the calculations for yourselves before selecting the final row in the ‘Calculate work’ table, to check your answers.

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