Monday, December 26, 2011

Midterm Exam information

The Physics Midterm exam will be on the following topics:

Math review, units, unit conversions

Packet 1 - One dimensional motion
Packet 2 - Vectors, Projectile motion and 2D Motion
Packet 3 - Forces and Newton's Laws
Packet 4 - Momentum
Packet 5 - Work, Power, Energy
Packet 6 - Circular Motion (which we are doing starting 1/3/2012)

Remember to review the packets and homework, your class notes, and the past quizzes.

Here is an excellent site that you can also use for review:

Remember the class notes are posted here:

You should start reviewing now so that you have time to ask questions and absorb the material again.

IMPORTANT - You need to have your own calculator. A scientific calculator is all that you need. They only cost between $8 and $15. Target and Walmart have the best prices. I will not be providing calculators after midterms.

IMPORTANT - tell your parents that the progress reports are almost 3 weeks out of date and that they should check PowerSchool for an updated grade.

Midterm Exam Schedule:

Friday, January 13
8:00 – 10:00 Period 1 Exam
10:05 – 10:15 Homeroom
10:20 – 12:20 Period 2 Exam
12:20 Dismissal for students, lunch is available from 12:20 – 12:50
BUT buses will be ready at 12:20 and will leave by 12:25 (no buses at 12:50)

Monday, January 16: NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, January 17
8:00 – 10:00 Period 3 Exam
10:05 – 10:15 Homeroom
10:20 – 12:20 Period 4 Exam
12:20 Dismissal for students, lunch is available from 12:20 – 12:50
BUT buses will be ready at 12:20 and will leave by 12:25 (no buses at 12:50)

Wednesday, January 18
8:00 – 10:00 Period 5 Exam
10:05 – 10:15 Homeroom
10:20 – 12:20 Period 6 Exam
12:20 Dismissal for students, lunch is available from 12:20 – 12:50
BUT buses will be ready at 12:20 and will leave by 12:25 (no buses at 12:50)

Thursday, January 19
8:00 – 10:00 Period 7 Exam
10:05 – 10:15 Homeroom
10:20 – 12:20 makeup exams
12:20 Dismissal for students, lunch is available from 12:20 – 12:50
BUT buses will be ready at 12:20 and will leave by 12:25 (no buses at 12:50)

Friday, January 20
Last day of marking period

Regular schedule 1-2-3-4-6-7
Make up exams to be arranged with teachers

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays everyone! Have a great vacation!

Mr. A

Monday, December 19, 2011

Schedule Update - QUIZ THURSDAY

Schedule Update:

Monday, 12/19 - Per 1, 3, and 6 working on the Egg Drop projects.

Tuesday, 12/20
Per 1 - final drop and calculations
Per 4 - final assembly and drop and calculations
Per 6 - final assembly and drop and calculations

Wednesday, 12/21
Per 3 - final drop and calculations

Egg Drop Calculations
Given/known info: mass (measured), height = 4m, time (measured)
convert mass from grams to kg.
Use conservation of energy to calculate the final velocity (PE1 = KE2)
Use Impulse Momentum theorem to calculate the impact force.

Calculations, along with a short description of your device and why you made it that way, are due the day of the quiz.

Thursday, 12/22
QUIZ - Periods 1, 3, 4, 6
on Work, Power, Energy and Momentum (Packets 4 and 5  )
Review the packets, class notes, and the worksheet from last Monday (sub work). You have the solutions to this so you should try the problems again on your own and then see if you did them correctly.

You can go here for more help too:

You will get the main equations on quiz or on the board. You must be able to do the algebra and solve for different variables though.

You should start reviewing for it now so that you can ask questions on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Egg Drop Project

The Great Egg Drop

Your Challenge:

Build a device/vehicle that will protect a passenger (The Egg) from harm during a "crash".

The Rules:

  • One raw egg (large or extra large) is to be used. YOU  supply the egg on the day of testing.

  • No foreign substance(s) may be applied to the eggshell, especially for the purpose of increasing the strength of the shell.  Nothing may be permanently attached to the shell (i.e. rubber bands or glue).

  • Glue may not be molded to form a “pod” or capsule around the egg or put on egg.

  • The vehicle may be any shape or size.

  • Vehicle MUST free-fall to the ground.  (No 'parachute' device or “wing” may be employed).

  • Vehicle shall be designed to withstand a fall from a minimum height of two meters.

  • Final drop will be 4 meters.

  • Egg shell integrity must be able to be proven to be uncompromised after impact;

The egg must be able to be easily removed in order to prove this.

  • Examples of materials that may be used for construction: (you can use other materials)

Toothpicks (wooden only) no limit
Soda straws (any type) 5 straws or 50 cm total length
Paper (standard notebook type) two (2) sheets; may NOT be wadded
Glue (any type) Glue sticks may not be used for structure

Additional extra credit points may be earned in the following categories:

  • Aesthetic design (does it look nice)
  • Most spectacular crash

In addition, you must calculate the object’s velocity at impact and its change in momentum using the conservation of energy formula. You will also be timing the fall and then calculating the Impulse and Force at impact.

Day 1 - research and initial design
Day 2 - assembly and test drop
Day 3 - redesign and modification and final drop


Group members: _________________________________________________________________
Class period: ______

Egg Drop Calculations
megg = 60grams

mass: ____ g -- ________ kg              h = 4m                  t = ____
(what mass are you using for your calculations…)

PE = mgh =

PE­­1 = KE2     solve for v2

p = mv         I = Δp                   I = F t     solve for F

Use h and t to find v2 also as a check.

Description of design & why you chose this (why did you think this would protect the egg?)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Roller Coaster Project

Roller Coaster Physics Online Project 

Objective: to apply the concepts of forces, Newton's laws, Work, Power and Conservation of Energy and Momentum to the design and analysis of Roller Coasters. 

1. Go to and read about the energy conversion in a roller coaster. Take notes so that you can better design your roller coaster.

2. Go to and read the first page. Then click on "How did coasters come to be? Read more about their history" and read about roller coaster history. Then click on "Back to Roller Coaster" which will bring you back to the start. Click on "Design a Roller Coaster" and follow the instructions. Make sure you click on the "safety inspection" after you are done with the design. Try out more than one design also. Take notes on what you learn and do. 

Using the height of each hill you select, calculate the PE at the top of the hill. Use this to calculate the KE and Velocity at the bottom of the hill. Assume a mass of 1000kg for the roller coaster car and occupants. 

3. Go to and use the simulation to try out different roller coaster designs. Change the height of the initial hill, loop, and second hill. Start a new track and design your own layout. Watch what happens depending on what you do with the design.

Using the velocity shown on the simulation, calculate the KE of the car at the bottom of track. The mass slider is 100 - 1000 kg. Then, calculate the height of the first hill using the conservation of energy. 

Change the initial hill height, mass, and loops and second hill height and repeat analysis. Write down your observations of what happened as you changed each variable. Remember to only change one variable at a time. 

All notes and calculations will be turned in for a grade. I will also be checking to see how your designs work as you are working. 

If you have time:

4. Go to and try out the roller coaster game. See how well you do.

5. Go to and read all about Roller Coasters.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Schedule Update for Physics

This week we did the Work, Power, Energy lab, an online lesson, and then started Roller Coaster Physics.

If you were absent for any of these things, make sure you see me for your make up work.

Next week we will:

  • review Work, Power, Energy and Momentum problems
  • do the Roller Coaster Physics project
  • start the Egg Drop project

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Work and Power notes

Tuesday (per 1) and Wednesday (per 3,4,6) we did Work and Power. We did #1-4 from the Packet in class and went over them in class.

Slides for the lecture are here:
Physics - Work-Power-Energy - part 1.pdf

Thursday (Per 1 and 3) and Friday (period 4 and 6) we will do part 2, which is Energy. Slides for that will be posted on Thursday or Friday.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tips and Tricks for Searching with Google

This is a great infographic that has been making the rounds on the internet. It shows some great tips on doing better (ie. more targeted) searches on Google.

Get more out of Google
Created by: HackCollege

Friday, November 18, 2011

Momentum, Part 2

Part 2 of Momentum slides are here:

Homework will be to finish packet (#7-14)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Momentum - 1st part

Between Tuesday and Friday of this week, all the physics classes will have the 1st part of Momentum done.

Here are the lecture notes (just for the 1st part):
"Physics - Momentum - 1st part.pdf"

Homework after the first part is #1-6 in the packet. Due the next class.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Solution to challenge problem from the other day

The other day I put a challenge problem on the board.

You had a box on a 30 degree incline that started at v0=0 and then reached v=8m/s after t=2 sec. You had to find the coefficient of friction.

Here is the solution. Notice how I did not plug any numbers in until the last minute and that the mass cancelled out.



QUIZ Monday on Forces. 

LAB Reports due Monday.

See post below this one for information and resources for the lab reports and for the quizzes. 

Also, I posted the solutions to the review problems that I assigned on Friday, 11/4/2011 here:

Physics - Forces - Extra Problems - Answers.pdf

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lab Report resources

Lab Report Format
Lab Report Format.pdf 
Physics - Lab Report Format.doc

Presentation on Lab Reports, free software, and science posters 

Here you can find the links to the free software and help sites for creating graphs. 

Remember, Lab Reports are due Monday. Each person has to have their own lab report. 

Quiz on Forces is on Monday also. 

The class notes for Forces are posted on the class site:
Physics - Forces and Newtons Laws 2011.pdf

Here is a good site for review:

And make sure you review the homework problems and examples done in class. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Forces and Newton's Laws

Today, Monday, we started Forces and Newton's Laws. (Period 4 will start on Tuesday)

Here are all of the lecture notes - we will be doing these in four parts - for the entire unit and the packet:
"Physics - Forces and Newtons Laws 2011.pdf"
"Physics - Packet 3 - Forces.pdf"

The first homework assignment is #1-6 in the Packet. 

We will be spending some time on this unit and it will include trigonometry so keep those notes handy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Projectile Motion - Quiz this week!

Projectile Motion QUIZ time.

Tuesday for Period 1, Wednesday for Periods 3, 4, 6

Here's a little review:

And a reminder of the class notes, formulas and rules.

Notes are re-posted with some changes to the examples (how I solved them)

        "Physics - Projectile Motion - updated 10-04-2011.pdf"

Here is the summary of rules and equations also: YOU NEED TO KNOW THE RULES!!! They will not be on the quiz. The equations will be on the quiz.                                           |

And here is a summary of Trig again as a reminder:

And, just in case, here are the solutions to the two examples from class:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Projectile Motion - notes and homework

Tuesday and Wednesday we did Projectile Motion

Homework is Packet 2, #10-16.

Notes are re-posted with some changes to the examples (how I solved them)

        "Physics - Projectile Motion - updated 10-04-2011.pdf"

Here is the summary of rules and equations also:

And here is a summary of Trig again as a reminder:

And, just in case, here are the solutions to the two examples from class:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, October 3rd

Today all classes finished the vectors lecture and examples.

Homework: Packet 2, #1-9. Due next class.

Here is a copy of the packet if you lose yours:
Physics - Packet 2 - Vectors and Projectiles.pdf

Friday, September 30, 2011

Vectors and Projectile Motion notes

Today we started 2 Dimensional motion which includes Vectors and Projectile Motion. 

The lecture notes for today's lesson (and Period 4's on Monday) along with the next part are all together here:

Physics - Vectors and Projectile Motion.pdf

Monday, September 26, 2011

Reminder Quiz this week


Quiz this week on one dimensional motion.

Period 1, 4, and 6 will have theirs on Tuesday and Period 3's will be on Wednesday.

Review Packet 1 and the notes for this quiz.

Here is a good review site also:  lessons 1, 5, 6

Also remember that the labs (both) are due.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Schedule Update - QUIZ next week

This week we finished going over 1D Motion and did 2 labs on 1 dimensional motion.

Next week you will have a quiz on 1D Motion (velocity and acceleration). 

Review the homework packet and your notes. Remember these are also posted on line here:

We will be reviewing on Monday. Make sure you come in with questions.

Period 1, 4 and 6 will have their Quiz on Tuesday, September 27th.
Period 3 will have their Quiz on Wednesday, September 28th.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Motion in 1D Continued - FREE FALL

Today, Monday, September 19th, we did the lesson on FreeFall. 

Lecture notes are part of the notes for the earlier classes (here:  Physics - Motion in One Dimension.pdf )

acceleration due to gravity  g= 10 m/s2

Read the problem, write down what is give and what you are looking for. Look for the physics concepts and formula that relate them and solve. 

The formulas are in the packet, along with some examples. 

d = y (for vertical motion like freefall)

If an object is dropped, it's initial velocity (v0 ) = 0 

HOMEWORK: Packet #1, Exercises #9-14

(if you lose your packet, you can download another one here:    Physics - Packet 1 - Motion.pdf)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Motion in One Dimension

Today, Thursday, September 15th, we started "Motion in One Dimension" also know as "Kinematics in 1 Dimension."

Here are the lecture notes: (includes next section too):  Physics - Motion in One Dimension.pdf

The homework is Packet #1, Exercises #1-8.
Here is a copy of the packet if you need it:    Physics - Packet 1 - Motion.pdf

Homework is due on Friday in class! (Period 4 - yours is due Monday since we don't have class Friday.

We will go over the homework and then move on to the next part of 1D motion.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Sept 9th

Today we started with the introduction to physics and math and measurement.

Your homework over the weekend is to read the handouts I gave you today.

Here are all of the lecture notes for it. We will continue it next week.
Physics - intro to physics-measurement-math.pdf

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cool electronic pen I talked about in class

I'm sharing this information with students about the Livescribe Pen today and Friday. The Livescribe pen records everything you write and can also record audio. It's a great tool, especially in college, to take notes in class. Your notes and audio recordings are then saved to you computer.

They are not cheap ($80-$190, depending on memory ) but there are sales and discounts available sometimes and it could be a good investment.

Here's some more info on it:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Free resources presentation

Here is a copy of the free resources presentation from class. These resources can definitely help you out.

Monday, September 5, 2011

1st Assignments

Hi guys!

Remember, your 1st assignments are as follows:
1. Read and have your parents read, and then both sign, the signature form.
2. Same with the lab safety contract

See you on Tuesday! Hope you had a good weekend!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Welcome to Physics 2011-2012


Physics is a great class that is very interesting and fun. We will be doing problems, labs, projects, online work, and videos in the class.. This site will be your main resource for the Physics class. It will have class announcements, information, reminders, assignments, and much more.

There are some links above that are for a welcome letter, syllabus, and signature form. On the right side of the blog, there are links to resources, references, and help sites.

Also on the right side is a place where you can sign up to receive updates from this site via email.

Your first assignments are to:
1. subscribe to this blog via email
2. have your parents fill out and sign, and you fill out and sign, the signature form
3. review the syllabus and other forms above
4. go HERE and fill in the survey.

I'm looking forward to a great year!

Mr. A.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Physics Final Exam - what to study

Physics        Final Exam 2011            

Circular Motion

Class notes

Packets 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12

Worksheets from Sound, Light and Electricity and Magnetism

Don’t forget to check the class blog site – right side column, for study tips and review materials

Monday, May 16, 2011

Free resources for students - very useful, take a look

Free Resources for Students

Seniors - before you head off to college and your future endeavors, here are some free resources for you:

1. College Packing List - this site has some great tips on packing list for your trip off to college. You can even create a shopping list from it for any items you don't have.

2. BarCharts Tips for Success - this site has some free downloads for you.
KEYS TO COLLEGE SUCCESS, SURVIVING THE COLLEGE RIDE, and WHAT YOU WON'T LEARN IN COLLEGE. These are all free and have great tips, ideas, and resources for you.

3. Summary of Great Web 2.0 Resources for Students - this has a list of 13 free, online resources that can help you as a student. Note taking, organizing, online homework help, file backup, study tips, and much more.  You definitely want to check some of these out.

A couple of other good resources:

Advice and Tips to High School Students (tips before college):
"Advice and Tips for High School Students.pdf"

Good luck next year!! Keep in touch!

(These are also useful for the Juniors too!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rockets - 1st part of project

Rockets WebQuest
 Mr. Andrade

This WebQuest will help students gain an understanding of rockets and rocket flight, how physics fundamentals are related to rockets, and how we will use model rockets.

1.    go to and read the page.
2.    click on “Guided Tours” on this page
3.    on the “Guided Tours” page ( ) go down the page to the “Rockets” section. You need to go through each section:
After you read each page, click on the  
Make sure you click on the