The Physics Midterm exam will be on the following topics:
Math review, units, unit conversions
Packet 1 - One dimensional motion
Packet 2 - Vectors, Projectile motion and 2D Motion
Packet 3 - Forces and Newton's Laws
Packet 4 - Momentum
Packet 5 - Work, Power, Energy
Packet 6 - Circular Motion (which we are doing starting 1/3/2012)
Remember to review the packets and homework, your class notes, and the past quizzes.
Here is an excellent site that you can also use for review:
Remember the class notes are posted here:
You should start reviewing now so that you have time to ask questions and absorb the material again.
IMPORTANT - You need to have your own calculator. A scientific calculator is all that you need. They only cost between $8 and $15. Target and Walmart have the best prices. I will not be providing calculators after midterms.
IMPORTANT - tell your parents that the progress reports are almost 3 weeks out of date and that they should check PowerSchool for an updated grade.
Midterm Exam Schedule:
Friday, January 13
8:00 – 10:00 Period 1 Exam
10:05 – 10:15 Homeroom
10:20 – 12:20 Period 2 Exam
12:20 Dismissal for students, lunch is available from 12:20 – 12:50
BUT buses will be ready at 12:20 and will leave by 12:25 (no buses at 12:50)
Monday, January 16: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 17
8:00 – 10:00 Period 3 Exam
10:05 – 10:15 Homeroom
10:20 – 12:20 Period 4 Exam
12:20 Dismissal for students, lunch is available from 12:20 – 12:50
BUT buses will be ready at 12:20 and will leave by 12:25 (no buses at 12:50)
Wednesday, January 18
8:00 – 10:00 Period 5 Exam
10:05 – 10:15 Homeroom
10:20 – 12:20 Period 6 Exam
12:20 Dismissal for students, lunch is available from 12:20 – 12:50
BUT buses will be ready at 12:20 and will leave by 12:25 (no buses at 12:50)
Thursday, January 19
8:00 – 10:00 Period 7 Exam
10:05 – 10:15 Homeroom
10:20 – 12:20 makeup exams
12:20 Dismissal for students, lunch is available from 12:20 – 12:50
BUT buses will be ready at 12:20 and will leave by 12:25 (no buses at 12:50)
Friday, January 20
Last day of marking period
Regular schedule 1-2-3-4-6-7
Make up exams to be arranged with teachers