This site is for my Physics Magnet Classes.This is where I will post information, assignments, reminders, and help for my classes. All students need to check this frequently and should "follow" and subscribe to this site to keep up to date. Physics Essential Question: How can we explain and anticipate what happens around us? "The main reason to study physics is to enhance the way you see the physical world and to understand the world we live in." Paul Hewitt
Friday, May 25, 2012
Rocket Project Reminders
The Rocket Project Packet and Report are due at your final. Late work will NOT be accepted.
For the rocket calculations, remember that the horizontal distance to the spotters was 50m and you had the angle from launch day. Using those two numbers you can find the approximate altitude your rocket went.
Hopefully you wrote down which rocket engine you had and all the data you need. Here's a copy of the engine specification chart:
We used the following engines: A8-3 and B6-4. You were supposed to write down which one your rocket had.
Instructions for writing the report are in the project packet.
Information on final exams are listed in multiple posts below this one. Do not wait until the day of the final to ask questions.
Good luck and see you at the final.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Rocket Project - final checklist
Here is the final checklist for the Rockets Project
- Finish assembly of rocket
- Install Engine and Recovery Wadding - make sure you note which engine you have
- Complete stability testing (separate instructions)
- Get mass of rocket empty and with engine
- Get engine data from engine spec sheet (one posted in class, also Google "Estes Rocket Engine Specifications"
- Start calculations in rocket packet
- Launch - scheduled for Thursday, May 24th, weather permitting (rain date is Friday, May 25th) If both days rain out, we will do rocket launches during senior finals week (normal school days!) and you can turn in the Report by June 1st.
- Final calculations and Analysis after launch
- Finish REPORT
Do not wait to start the calculations in the packet. I highly recommend that you start the packet AND the REPORT now! It is not short or easy.
If Launch goes off on schedule, the reports are due at your final exam.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Rockets Project Information and Directions
Today we started the Rockets Project.
There are 5 groups maximum per class.
Rockets Project Information and Directions:
- Save your notes from the WebQuest. You will need them for the final project report.
- Everyone needs their own project packet. Make sure you read it all.
- Put your name on it!
- Read the whole thing.
- You will be filling in the notes, questions, calculations and more as you build the rocket.
- Bring the packet to class every day.
- Everyone will have to write up their own project report (in their own words) and turn in the packet. Reports will be due by the Final Exam.
- Do not wait until the last minute to start the report. You can work on it as you go through the project and then just finalize it after the launch.
- Rocket kits go into box top with paper with all team members' names.
- All equipment gets returned to the front of the room (glue, tape, rulers, etc).
- Make sure tops are tightly closed on glue.
- X-Acto knives get signed out and returned to me.
- Read all of the instructions carefully before starting any building of the rocket.
Tentative Launch Date: (it is better if you are done earlier and we launch earlier, in case of rain)
Thursday, May 24th. Rain date is Friday, May 25th.
Also - remember to check PowerSchool to see if you are missing anything.
Final Exam information (reminder)
Final Exams (Seniors) These are during normal, long class periods.
Tuesday, 5/29 - Periods 1 and 7
Wednesday, 5/30 - Periods 2 and 6
Thursday, 5/31 - Periods 3 and 5
Friday, 6/1 - Period 4
Topics on the Final Exam include: Work, Power, Energy, Momentum, Circular Motion, Gravity, Matter, Heat and Thermodynamics, Waves, Sound, Light, Electricity and Magnetism, and Rockets.
You have gotten all of your work back, except for the Electricity homework. You will get that homework, and the answers, back at the end of this week.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Rockets webquest - must finish on own this weekend
Everyone must finish the Rockets WebQuest on their own this weekend. On Monday we start building the rockets and you will need the information from the webquest to help you with the rocket build and analysis.
Also, don't forget that the electricity problems are due Monday - ALL of them, both sides of page.
Rockets WebQuest:
Electricity Homework:
Electric Current-Circuits Hmwk .pdf
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Reminder: Check PowerSchool for any missing work. See me for make up work. Not all assignments can be made up at this point though.
Electricity homework (both sides, all 20 problems) is due Monday!
Make sure you work efficiently on your rocket projects. On Friday/Monday you will be receiving the project packet. Put your name on it and do not lose it. Bring it to class everyday. You will be entering data, notes, and completing calculations as you go through the project.
Rockets WebQuest
Rockets WebQuest
2. click on “Guided Tours” on this page
3. on the “Guided Tours” page ( ) go down the page to the “Rockets” section. You need to go through each section:
After you read each page, click on the 
Make sure you click on the 
Take notes on each page you visit. Your notes will be graded as the first part of the Rockets Unit. Pay particular attention to the “Model Rocket” section of “Types of Rockets.”
You will be calculating a predicted altitude for your rockets before launch, and then we will see who's is the most accurate.
Your notes from this will be included in the project write up you will be doing after the launch.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Answers Posted for Waves, sound and Light assignments
The answers for all of the waves, sound and light materials are posted on the class site:
"Waves-Sound-Light - answers to hmwk and videos.pdf"
The assignments were all posted earlier. If you have a zero for an assignment, you must see me for make up work (since the answers are now posted). After this Friday, all zero's stay as zero's.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Grades are posted up to light assignments. If it says "0", you did not turn it in.
All assignments are posted on the class site:
If you have a zero for an assignment, you need to either find it and turn it in, come to the classroom and get another one, or go to the site above and print one out (at home, not in class).
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Schedule, missing work, final exam info and more
Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
Finish Light and start Electricity this week
Finish Electricity and Magnetism next week.
Rockets Project - should start rockets by 5/11 - you will research the physics behind rockets and then build and launch a model rocket and complete a project packet (similar to the bridge project). Our target launch date is Thursday, 5/24 so do not waste any time building the rockets. Make sure you follow the directions and instructions for the project
Final Exams (Seniors) These are during normal, long class periods.
Tuesday, 5/29 - Periods 1 and 7
Wednesday, 5/30 - Periods 2 and 6
Thursday, 5/31 - Periods 3 and 5
Friday, 6/1 - Periods 4
Topics on the Final Exam include: Work, Power, Energy, Momentum, Circular Motion, Gravity, Matter, Heat and Thermodynamics, Waves, Sound, Light, Electricity and Magnetism.
You will get all of your work back, including the homework and video sheets, along with the answers to use to study for the final exam.
Note - please check PowerSchool this weekend to see if you are missing any assignments. I will be updating the grades tomorrow (Friday, 5/4). If you are missing anything, make sure you get it in as soon as possible. Some of the assignments will be posted on the class site also ( tomorrow
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