This site is for my Physics Magnet Classes.This is where I will post information, assignments, reminders, and help for my classes. All students need to check this frequently and should "follow" and subscribe to this site to keep up to date. Physics Essential Question: How can we explain and anticipate what happens around us? "The main reason to study physics is to enhance the way you see the physical world and to understand the world we live in." Paul Hewitt
Monday, June 4, 2012
Final Grades updated - Some students need to see me
Final Exam, Marking Period 4 and Final Year Grades are updated. Please check PowerSchool.
If you see a 0 or very low grade for the Rockets Project, it means you didn't turn anything in, or didn't turn in the report itself, just the packet. Some of you told me you were emailing me reports, but you never did.
Also, I need to see Mahogany and Pedro from Period 3, ASAP.
If you have something you owe me, see me by Wednesday to get some credit for it. Do NOT come to see me before 9:30 tomorrow or Wednesday though due to testing.
I'll see the seniors at Graduation Practice.
Have a great summer, good luck next year, and keep in touch!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Rocket Project Reminders
The Rocket Project Packet and Report are due at your final. Late work will NOT be accepted.
For the rocket calculations, remember that the horizontal distance to the spotters was 50m and you had the angle from launch day. Using those two numbers you can find the approximate altitude your rocket went.
Hopefully you wrote down which rocket engine you had and all the data you need. Here's a copy of the engine specification chart:
We used the following engines: A8-3 and B6-4. You were supposed to write down which one your rocket had.
Instructions for writing the report are in the project packet.
Information on final exams are listed in multiple posts below this one. Do not wait until the day of the final to ask questions.
Good luck and see you at the final.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Rocket Project - final checklist
Here is the final checklist for the Rockets Project
- Finish assembly of rocket
- Install Engine and Recovery Wadding - make sure you note which engine you have
- Complete stability testing (separate instructions)
- Get mass of rocket empty and with engine
- Get engine data from engine spec sheet (one posted in class, also Google "Estes Rocket Engine Specifications"
- Start calculations in rocket packet
- Launch - scheduled for Thursday, May 24th, weather permitting (rain date is Friday, May 25th) If both days rain out, we will do rocket launches during senior finals week (normal school days!) and you can turn in the Report by June 1st.
- Final calculations and Analysis after launch
- Finish REPORT
Do not wait to start the calculations in the packet. I highly recommend that you start the packet AND the REPORT now! It is not short or easy.
If Launch goes off on schedule, the reports are due at your final exam.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Rockets Project Information and Directions
Today we started the Rockets Project.
There are 5 groups maximum per class.
Rockets Project Information and Directions:
- Save your notes from the WebQuest. You will need them for the final project report.
- Everyone needs their own project packet. Make sure you read it all.
- Put your name on it!
- Read the whole thing.
- You will be filling in the notes, questions, calculations and more as you build the rocket.
- Bring the packet to class every day.
- Everyone will have to write up their own project report (in their own words) and turn in the packet. Reports will be due by the Final Exam.
- Do not wait until the last minute to start the report. You can work on it as you go through the project and then just finalize it after the launch.
- Rocket kits go into box top with paper with all team members' names.
- All equipment gets returned to the front of the room (glue, tape, rulers, etc).
- Make sure tops are tightly closed on glue.
- X-Acto knives get signed out and returned to me.
- Read all of the instructions carefully before starting any building of the rocket.
Tentative Launch Date: (it is better if you are done earlier and we launch earlier, in case of rain)
Thursday, May 24th. Rain date is Friday, May 25th.
Also - remember to check PowerSchool to see if you are missing anything.
Final Exam information (reminder)
Final Exams (Seniors) These are during normal, long class periods.
Tuesday, 5/29 - Periods 1 and 7
Wednesday, 5/30 - Periods 2 and 6
Thursday, 5/31 - Periods 3 and 5
Friday, 6/1 - Period 4
Topics on the Final Exam include: Work, Power, Energy, Momentum, Circular Motion, Gravity, Matter, Heat and Thermodynamics, Waves, Sound, Light, Electricity and Magnetism, and Rockets.
You have gotten all of your work back, except for the Electricity homework. You will get that homework, and the answers, back at the end of this week.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Rockets webquest - must finish on own this weekend
Everyone must finish the Rockets WebQuest on their own this weekend. On Monday we start building the rockets and you will need the information from the webquest to help you with the rocket build and analysis.
Also, don't forget that the electricity problems are due Monday - ALL of them, both sides of page.
Rockets WebQuest:
Electricity Homework:
Electric Current-Circuits Hmwk .pdf
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Reminder: Check PowerSchool for any missing work. See me for make up work. Not all assignments can be made up at this point though.
Electricity homework (both sides, all 20 problems) is due Monday!
Make sure you work efficiently on your rocket projects. On Friday/Monday you will be receiving the project packet. Put your name on it and do not lose it. Bring it to class everyday. You will be entering data, notes, and completing calculations as you go through the project.
Rockets WebQuest
Rockets WebQuest
2. click on “Guided Tours” on this page
3. on the “Guided Tours” page ( ) go down the page to the “Rockets” section. You need to go through each section:
After you read each page, click on the 
Make sure you click on the 
Take notes on each page you visit. Your notes will be graded as the first part of the Rockets Unit. Pay particular attention to the “Model Rocket” section of “Types of Rockets.”
You will be calculating a predicted altitude for your rockets before launch, and then we will see who's is the most accurate.
Your notes from this will be included in the project write up you will be doing after the launch.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Answers Posted for Waves, sound and Light assignments
The answers for all of the waves, sound and light materials are posted on the class site:
"Waves-Sound-Light - answers to hmwk and videos.pdf"
The assignments were all posted earlier. If you have a zero for an assignment, you must see me for make up work (since the answers are now posted). After this Friday, all zero's stay as zero's.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Grades are posted up to light assignments. If it says "0", you did not turn it in.
All assignments are posted on the class site:
If you have a zero for an assignment, you need to either find it and turn it in, come to the classroom and get another one, or go to the site above and print one out (at home, not in class).
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Schedule, missing work, final exam info and more
Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
Finish Light and start Electricity this week
Finish Electricity and Magnetism next week.
Rockets Project - should start rockets by 5/11 - you will research the physics behind rockets and then build and launch a model rocket and complete a project packet (similar to the bridge project). Our target launch date is Thursday, 5/24 so do not waste any time building the rockets. Make sure you follow the directions and instructions for the project
Final Exams (Seniors) These are during normal, long class periods.
Tuesday, 5/29 - Periods 1 and 7
Wednesday, 5/30 - Periods 2 and 6
Thursday, 5/31 - Periods 3 and 5
Friday, 6/1 - Periods 4
Topics on the Final Exam include: Work, Power, Energy, Momentum, Circular Motion, Gravity, Matter, Heat and Thermodynamics, Waves, Sound, Light, Electricity and Magnetism.
You will get all of your work back, including the homework and video sheets, along with the answers to use to study for the final exam.
Note - please check PowerSchool this weekend to see if you are missing any assignments. I will be updating the grades tomorrow (Friday, 5/4). If you are missing anything, make sure you get it in as soon as possible. Some of the assignments will be posted on the class site also ( tomorrow
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Heat and Thermodynamics notes and packet posted
The slides for Heat and Thermodynamics are now posted, as is Packet 10, Heat (in case you were absent or lost yours)
Physics - Heat 2012.pdf - lecture notes
Physics - Packet 10 - Temp and Heat.pdf - homework packet
Homework is Packet 10, #1-16 (all of it). Due next class (Per 1, 3, 4 - Thursday, Per 6 - Friday)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Lab Packet for PhET Fluids
Just in case you lose yours, I have posted the lab packet for PhET Fluids (this week's lab) on the class site.
I've also posted the next packet there.
Lab Packet: "Physics PhET Simulations for Fluids.doc"
Next Packet: "Physics - Packet 10 - Temp and Heat.pdf"
Monday, April 9, 2012
Schedule Update
Period 1 - Packet 9, Solids, Liquids, Gases, #18-21 due Tuesday, April 10th
Tuesday/Thursday will be labs
Period 3 - Packet 9, Solids, Liquids, Gases, #18-21 due Wednesday, April 11th
WednesdayThursday will be labs
Period 4 - we will be starting Heat/Thermodynamics this week
Period 6 - we will be finishing the labs this week.
Remember, all the lecture notes have been posted and I also posted the summary of equations and information in the post below this one.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Summary of Fluids equations
Here is a summary of fluids equations from the liquids and gases lectures.
Here are the liquids lecture notes:
Physics - Fluids part 1.pdf
Here are the gases lecture notes:
Physics - Fluids Part 2 - Gases .pdf
Friday, March 30, 2012
Assignments for Friday, March 30, 2012
Hi everyone,
I'm still really sick with bronchitis. Here are your assignments for Friday, March 30th. Have a great weekend.
All physics classes (Periods 1, 3, 4, and 6)
Online Labs
Fluids & Heat
Lab 20 Density
three objects on bottom (blue triangle, red/black square, red oval) - calculate density for each
list which object(s) floated (try all of the objects)
Lab 23 Pressure in Liquids
raise and lower manometer (red box with tube) and record depth and hydrostatic pressure
do for all four liquids (water, ethanol, benzol, tetrochloromethane, and mecury)
write down your observations of differences or similarities of the pressures at different depths
Lab 24 Buoyant Force
lower the mass into the liquid and note the buoyant force as it is lowered into the liquid. Note how it changes until fully submerged.
change the preselected values of base area, height and densities (do at least 6 trials)
write down your observations of the different buoyant forces vs. the area, height and density
Each group turns in ONE paper for the entire group. Make sure all of your names are on it.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Assignments for today, Thursday, March 29th
I am absent today with severe bronchitis. Here are your assignments.
Period 1 - Packet #9, Problems 10-17
If you lost your packet, it is also posted on the class site where the lecture notes are located.
Period 3 - In red
Physics book (Glencoe Physics) on bottom shelf in back corner of
Chapter 13,
States of Matter (pretty sure that is chapter number, definitely
title of chapter)
Problems in chapter: 1, 5, 9, 13,17, 21
Make sure you put the books back on the shelf at the end of the period
I will check the work when I come back. You do NOT have to turn it in to the sub, but don't lose it either.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Fluids Homework
The lecture notes for the 1st part of fluids were posted yesterday (see post below).
The homework is Packet 9, #10-17.
If you lost your Packet #9 you can access a digital copy of it here:
Physics - Packet 09 - Solids-Liquids-Gases.pdf
However, do not ask to print it out in my room. Print it out somewhere else, or just do the answers in your notebook while viewing the packet online.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The next topic is Fluids. The lecture is broken up into two parts.
Part 1 is posted here:
Physics - Fluids part 1.pdf
Period 1 started it today, Tuesday, and Periods 3, 4, and 6 will start it Wednesday.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
eesmarts Student Contest - cool prizes - see me to enter

eesmarts 2012 Student Contest
The Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund has announced its eighth annual eesmarts energy efficiency student contest inviting students to enhance their skills in science, writing and technology. Students are asked to answer grade level-specific prompts regarding efficient and renewable energy technologies in a variety of formats including a poem, a news article, an essay and a television commercial.
The contest is open to all Grade K-12 students in Connecticut and all essay prompts align with the Connecticut State Frameworks in science, mathematics and writing.
All participants receive recognition for their submissions and winners will be honored at a special awards ceremony on May 22, 2012 at the State Capitol.
Go here for more information:
Grades 9 through 12:
All letters must be between four and six pages in length – you can include graphs, diagrams and references only if they support your plan. Entries will be accepted via email at
Entries and registration forms must be postmarked or emailed no later than Friday, April 20, 2012.
Prizes at each grade level
First Prize: iPad
Second Prize: Kindle or eBook device
Third Prize:Season pass to one of the following museums: Stepping Stones Museum for Children, The Discovery Museum or CT Science Center
Honorable Mention: Energy-Saving Gift Bag
Each entry should have the following information typed or neatly printed at the top, left-hand corner of each page, Student Name, Grade, School, Town, Teacher’s Name, School Telephone
High School Grades 9-12 Contest Challeng –
Reducing Your High School’s Carbon Footprint
Write a letter to your principal about what you and your fellow high school students can do to address the problem of climate change in your high school. What actions can you take to reduce the school’s carbon
footprint? Be sure to include a comprehensive carbon footprint reduction plan, including the installation of energy efficient technologies (example: lighting, boilers, air conditioning), renewable energy sources, recycling, transportation and energy conservation behaviors (example: turning off unnecessary lights). Please submit a four to six page letter addressing the actions you would suggest, any issues or concerns regarding those actions, and any anticipated outcomes. You can include graphs, diagrams and
references only if they support your plan.
See me for help and to submit your entry if you decide to enter.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Summary of assignments and schedule
Here are the assignments you have been working on and what is coming up after break.
Make sure you followed the directions carefully for each assignment.
1. Multimedia Science School Materials and Stress Lesson
2. Bridges webQuest
3. Bridge Project
a) Read Engineering Design Process and Manufacturing Engineering -
b) Read the Bridge Project Rules -
c) Look at some other bridge designs and how they will be tested:
d) design your bridge using the knowledge you gained from the bridges webquest and following the rules and requirements. Make sure you have a drawing with 3 views, dimensions and a list of how many of each length pieces you will need.
e) have your design checked by me
f) build your bridge following the tips in the manufacturing reference
g) test the bridges
h) fill out the project report packet (which you will get on testing day)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Bridge Project Rules/Requirements

The requirements for the bridges you will build are listed below.
You must have a design drawn before you may start construction.
Also, read the Engineering Design Process and Manufacturing Process before starting.
You can read it here:
Also, read the Engineering Design Process and Manufacturing Process before starting.
You can read it here:
Rules and Requirements
Students will build model bridges. The bridge that can hold the most weight wins.
Bridges have to be between 250mm and 300mm long and width must be between 50mm and 75mm wide.
The bridges must be less than 100mm high.
The only materials you will have are a knife, working surfaces, ruler, 15 pieces of balsa wood, and glue. The balsa wood pieces are 61 cm long and 4mm square.
You can NOT laminate the wood - in other words, you can NOT have pieces of wood glued together lengthwise to create a larger surface, like a board. See me if you have questions.
You will not have to build any legs or supports - that will be done with books.
Your design should be well thought out. You should have drawing of your design (3 views - side, top, front).
You should estimate how many different pieces of different size cuts of wood you will need. Cut them out, and start assembling them in different sub-assemblies.
You should also create a template where you can lay the wood on the paper and then glue it.
Go here: to see examples of other bridges and how we will be setting up and testing them.

We will start building the bridges after you have done your research and designed your bridge.
Project Steps:
a) Read Engineering Design Process and Manufacturing Engineering -
b) Read the Bridge Project Rules -
c) Look at some other bridge designs and how they will be tested:
d) design your bridge using the knowledge you gained from the bridges webquest and following the rules and requirements.
e) have your design checked by me
f) build your bridge following the tips in the manufacturing reference
g) test the bridges
You should also create a template where you can lay the wood on the paper and then glue it.
Go here: to see examples of other bridges and how we will be setting up and testing them.
We will start building the bridges after you have done your research and designed your bridge.
Project Steps:
a) Read Engineering Design Process and Manufacturing Engineering -
b) Read the Bridge Project Rules -
c) Look at some other bridge designs and how they will be tested:
d) design your bridge using the knowledge you gained from the bridges webquest and following the rules and requirements.
e) have your design checked by me
f) build your bridge following the tips in the manufacturing reference
g) test the bridges
Monday, February 13, 2012
Reminder, again, regarding class work
REMEMBER - everyone in the group is working on the assignment at the same time. You do not take turns. You must all be paying attention to the assignment all the time. If you are taking turns, and other members of the group are not paying attention or are talking about other subjects, you will not get full credit for the assignment.
This is nothing new. We have been doing this since the beginning of the year and the rules are the same. You must ALL be paying attention to the software or simulations or research, ALL the time, no matter who is actually controlling the computer.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Bridges Webquest

Before you do the bridge design, building, analysis and testing, you need to learn a little about bridges and bridge design.
Go to this link and follow the directions and links:
You will be going to different websites (click the blue links) and then answering the questions, writing observations, and so forth. Make sure you pay attention to the directions and each student must turn in their own paper.
Stress Computer Assignment
Stress computer assignment
Multimedia Science School (software)
Stress computer assignment
Multimedia Science School (software)
Stretching Materials
Stretching Materials
Each student submits their own: explain in your own words, what you learned, how did stress and force apply in this, show any and all calculations and answers to questions done during lesson. How can you apply this information to something in your life?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Solids - Stress, strain, fracture
Today, Thursday, Period 1 and 3 had the lecture for Solids - Stress, strain, and fracture.
Friday, Periods 4 and 6 will have it.
Here are the lecture notes:
Physics - Density-Solids-Liquids-Gases.pdf
Homework is Packet #9, exercises 1-9
Next we will do some virtual labs on stress and strain, then a webquest on Bridges and then you will design, analyze, build and test bridges.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Universal Gravitation - QUIZ Friday too!
Today, Monday, Jan 30th, we went over the torque review problems and then did the lecture for the Law of Universal Gravitation.
The lecture notes are here:
Physics - Universal Gravitation.pdf
Homework is Packet #7 , #1 - 14 - whole packet. Do NOT do the extra sheet that got stapled on at the end with the "A" problems. Just 1 - 14.
On Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, we will go over the homework and then do two virtual labs on Gravity.
FRIDAY - QUIZ - Circular Motion, Torque, Gravity! Review packet #6 and #7 and the two review sheets we did last Friday/Today.
Period 4 Quiz will be next Monday.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Midterm grades posted
The grades for the Midterm Exam have been posted on PowerSchool.
There was no curve. The grades ranged from an 11, up to a 93.
I was very pleased with some of your performances and very disappointed with many of you. Many students did not even try to do the problems. This lack of effort is unacceptable, especially from seniors. You should have the self-respect and self-discipline to do your best on everything you do and many of you did not even try.
Also, many of you did not show your work on the exam. I instructed you that you must show your work to get credit. Just writing an answer is not acceptable.
The midterm was made up of past homework, quiz and in-class examples or problems that were very close to those. I only had 2 students come and ask for help before the exams. I was very disappointed in the lack of effort put in by some of you.
Results by Period
Period High score Low score
1 93 33
3 86 11
4 82 13
6 87 14
Some Advice:
1. Always put forth your best effort on everything you do. Don't get lazy. Take pride in your work.
2. Study. You can not learn and understand just by showing up for class. You must do all of the work, you must review your notes and you must study for exams.
3. Ask for help. Only 2 students out of 90 came for help the week before exams, yet a large number of students failed the exam. I am here after school everyday. Come and ask for help. There are help resources on the class site and on this blog site (see the right side menu).
I'm hoping to see more effort on your next quiz and for the rest of the year. Remember, you need to keep working and putting in the effort all the way to the end of the year. College will be even harder.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Circular Motion MSS Assignment
Circular Motion
Multimedia Science School Assignment
Per 1, 3, 6 - start Friday, 1/20, finish Monday 1/23.
Per 4 - do entire thing on Monday 1/23
Novell Screen
Multimedia Science School
Motion in a Circle
Circular Motion
Go through lesson, taking notes on major points. Also comment on anything surprising you learned and describe something you see or do everyday that has Circular Motion.
Submit notes, comments and everyday item as INDIVIDUALS. Each student must submit there own paper.
You may submit via email, Word document emailed to me, share a Google Doc, or on paper.
NOTE: If your computer gives you a license error for this software, do the same assignment in terms of what you are doing and handing in, except, go here: and do lessons 1 and 2 instead of using the software above.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Google Science Fair - enter and win big prizes
The second annual Google Science Fair is open. Google started the science fair last year and it was a huge success. Students enter their projects and can win some really great prizes. The projects from last year were pretty impressive too.
Students simply register online, get parental consent, do their project site online and then submit the project.
The site has great tips and resources for students and educators. There are three age categories 13-14, 15-16 and 17-18 and prizes in each category. The one grand prize includes a trip to the Galapagos, a $50,000 scholarship, and a hands on experience at either Lego, CERN or Google. Other prizes include $25,000 scholarships, Chromebooks and Chromebook kits for their classroom, intern experiences and much more.
This is a great way for students to work through a science project and have it viewed internationally and have the chance to win some great prizes.
For more information or to get started, go to the Google Science Fair site.
Doodle 4 Google - be creative and win a scholarship

Google is once again hosting a Doodle 4 Google contest for K-12 students in the US. Students create a doodle of the Google logo based on this years topic "If I could travel in time, I'd visit...". The winner gets their design on the Google homepage and gets a $30,000 college scholarship along with a $50,000 technology grant for their school.
The theme, "If I could travel in time, I'd visit..." could mean visiting past, present, or future setting. Last year's contest had over 100,000 entries, so competition is fierce. There will be one winner per state and then from those 50 State winners, the 5 National Finalists and the National winner will be chosen.
This year the winning Doodle will also appear on a special edition Crayola 64 crayon box!!
To enter, you just need to submit your artwork by March 20th with a signed and completed entry form.
There will be some celebrity judges along with the Google employee judges. They will determine the State finalists. On May 2nd, the State finalists will be up for public vote.
Being a finalist is pretty cool and all 50 state finalists will get flown to New York city for the national awards ceremony on May 17th. The winning Doodle will appear on May 18th and all of the 50 state winning doodles will be displayed at the New York Public Library.
Complete rules, prizes, and registration information is available at the Doodle 4 Google site.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Solutions posted
The solutions for the Work, Power, Energy and Momentum quiz are posted along with the make up work for the WPE Lab and the WPE Multimedia assignment. If you didn't have to do the make up work, you can use them for extra practice. The answers are included.
All three things are posted here:
- Physics - Work-Power-Energy-Momentum Quiz Answers 2011-2012.pdf
- WPE Lab Makeup and answers- a.pdf -- Make up for students who missed WPE lab. Other students can use it for review. Includes answers.
- WPE Multimedia Assign make up and answers - b.pdf -- Make up for students who missed WPE Multimedia Science School assignment. Other students can use it for review. Includes answers.
Don't forget to review for the midterm. Scroll down on this site and look at past links and resources too.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Schedule update
Tuesday 1/10
Period 1 - finished Circular/Rotational Lecture. Homework is packet 6, #18-23
Lecture notes:
Physics - Circular and Rotational Motion - part 3.pdf
Period 4 - we will go over the homework (packet 6, #1-12) and then do parts 2 and 3 of the lecture
Homework will be packet 6, #13-23
Period 6 - we will finish the lecture. Homework will be packet 6, #13-23
Wednesday 1/11
Period 3 - we will do the last part of the lecture. Homework packet 6, #18-23
Thursday 1/12
Periods 1, 3, 4, 6 - we will go over the homework, you will get back your last quiz with the solutions, and I will answer any questions you have before the midterms.
Friday 1/13 - Midterms begin
Monday, January 9, 2012
Reminder - missing/make up work due by midterm
Reminder, any student owing me missing work or make up work must turn it in by their classes midterm. Once the exam starts, all missing work will become a "0".
This work should have been turned in within a week of the assignment or your return to school after missing an assignment. Remember, you need to come to me and ask what you missed when you are absent. Do not wait for me to come to you. You should also be checking PowerSchool on a regular basis.
Good luck studying for mid terms. Don't forget to look at the posting below on the site for resources and tips for the midterm.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Schedule Update Thu 1-5
Physics class schedule update.
On Thursday 1/5, Monday 1/9 and Tuesday 1/10 we continued Circular Motion and did torque. The second part of the lecture notes are posted here:
" Physics - Circular and Rotational Motion - part 2.pdf"
Homework for this part is packet 6, #13-17
We will continue with this topic up until the midterm and it will be included on the midterm. The midterm schedule, what's on the midterm, and some study resources were posted on 12/26 (and can be viewed HERE).
Make sure you start reviewing now, so that you can come in next week, before the midterms start, and ask questions. There will NOT be a review in class, but I will answer any questions students may have next Wednesday and Thursday.
Period 4 - we will be doing two parts on Tuesday.
On Thursday 1/5, Monday 1/9 and Tuesday 1/10 we continued Circular Motion and did torque. The second part of the lecture notes are posted here:
" Physics - Circular and Rotational Motion - part 2.pdf"
Homework for this part is packet 6, #13-17
We will continue with this topic up until the midterm and it will be included on the midterm. The midterm schedule, what's on the midterm, and some study resources were posted on 12/26 (and can be viewed HERE).
Make sure you start reviewing now, so that you can come in next week, before the midterms start, and ask questions. There will NOT be a review in class, but I will answer any questions students may have next Wednesday and Thursday.
Period 4 - we will be doing two parts on Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Schedule Update
Physics class schedule update.
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a good holiday break.
This week on Tuesday 1/3 and Wednesday 1/4 we will start Circular Motion. The first part of the lecture notes are posted here:
"Physics - Circular and Rotational Motion - part 1.pdf"
We will continue with this topic up until the midterm and it will be included on the midterm. The midterm schedule, what's on the midterm, and some study resources were posted on 12/26 (and can be viewed HERE).
Make sure you start reviewing now, so that you can come in next week, before the midterms start, and ask questions. There will NOT be a review in class, but I will answer any questions students may have next Wednesday and Thursday.
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a good holiday break.
This week on Tuesday 1/3 and Wednesday 1/4 we will start Circular Motion. The first part of the lecture notes are posted here:
"Physics - Circular and Rotational Motion - part 1.pdf"
We will continue with this topic up until the midterm and it will be included on the midterm. The midterm schedule, what's on the midterm, and some study resources were posted on 12/26 (and can be viewed HERE).
Make sure you start reviewing now, so that you can come in next week, before the midterms start, and ask questions. There will NOT be a review in class, but I will answer any questions students may have next Wednesday and Thursday.
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